🕵️‍♀️ Task

Retrieve the titles of each record from the movies table.


  • id (integer)
  • title (string)
  • year (integer)
  • duration (integer)
  • description (text)
  • image (string)
  • director_id (integer)


  • id (integer)
  • name (string)
  • dob (date)
  • bio (text)
  • image (string)


  • id (integer)
  • name (string)
  • dob (date)
  • bio (text)
  • image (string)


  • id (integer)
  • actor_id (integer)
  • movie_id (integer)
  • name (string)

On an ActiveRecord::Relation, the pluck method will retrieve one or more attributes of each record in the collection and returns them in a Array. You can pass one or more Symbols as an argument. Each Symbol must match the name of a column.

class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base end
class Director < ActiveRecord::Base end
class Actor < ActiveRecord::Base end
class Character < ActiveRecord::Base end